A group of young theatre makers are about to present their new mini musical based on the forthcoming Olympics in Rio.
Thirty young people from Blacon have been working hard in the creation of an original story which they are about to showcase next week. Rewind Youth Theatre is run jointly by the city’s Theatre in the Quarter and Cheshire Dance and supported by the Blacon Ediucation Village and Avenue Services.
Mario is a young Brazilian dancer from Rio who is desperate for his young dance troupe to perform at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, but sadly no-one seems to notice them when they perform every night on the city streets. Meanwhile the Queen of the Underworld is enraged as the Olympic Village has been built right over the gateway to their hidden world, trapping them beneath the earth. Through dance, original songs and stories, the young people have devised an enchanting story which brings these two worlds together.
Matt Baker, artisitc director of Theatre in the Quarter, said “The company was formed only last year, and this is already their third production. I have been blown away by the sheer passion of these young people from Blacon and I hope people across the city will come and see what they have created.” Lauren Tucker from Cheshire Dance added “These young people are so full of energy and whilst some of them may have ever danced before I think audiences will be delighted with how far they have come in a short time.”
The Olympic Torch, devised by the company themselves will be performed next Monday 21 March, 7pm at St Mary’s Creative Space in the city centre and on Tuesday 22 March, 6pm at Blacon High School. Entry is free with donations gratefully received.
For more information readers can go to www.theatreinthequarter.co.uk or call Julie on 07747110933.