A short film aimed at connecting the generations. Inspired by many meetings, workshops and conversations between a group of teenagers in Cheshire and over 100 people who were children at the time of Queen Elizabeth's Coronation. Performed by a community cast of all generations from Chester and Cheshire to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Filmed on location in Chester and Cheshire, United Kingdom, Spring 2022. See the full film here: https://vimeo.com/714721592

written and directed by John Young

lead concept and research by Cariad Morgan

anthem and music by Matt Baker

recorded by Erin Elston

filmed and edited by Andonis Anthony

sound by Rupert Hill

safeguarding by Julie Elston

workshop leader Joe Mann

project administrator Natalie Nolan

produced by Matt Baker

Funded by

Earl of Chester Benevolent Fund

Cheshire West Crowd Fund

Cheshire West Covid Recovery & Renewal Fund

Province of Cheshire Freemasons

Cheshire West Councillors - Samantha Dixon, Bob Rudd, Val Armstrong & Sheila Little

and crowdfunding support through Spacehive


To those who remember the last Coronation

And knew where you were when the Queen received her crown

Grew up at a time when war gave way to peace

Played out in the streets ‘til the sun went down

We have so many questions to ask you

We want your tales of childhood to revive

We hope that you to share some of your wisdom

So that we can keep your memories alive

Of course we remember the last Coronation

A feeling of pride when the Queen received her crown

The old and the young all joined in celebration

We danced in our street ‘til the sun went down

And our whole life was laid out before us

An age of great ambition and of hope

But at that age we did not have the wisdom

And we didn't have a time telescope

But we hold on to those moments

And to you we should say

Don’t put off 'til tomorrow

What you can do today

Be brave, be bold, be caring

Be the best that you can be

Take care of the world we leave you

Use your talents to set you free

Be prepared for change and be prepared to change

So now let’s join together

Our message clear and loud

Let’s build a brighter future

Of which we can be proud

Let’s dance into the sunset

Leave doubt and fear behind

The sun will rise tomorrow

And only then we’ll find

That this time we came together

A future to forsee

Is one we’ll hold forever

At the glorious jubilee

Come together

Form a bond to last

Share great stories from the past

Shape a future on which we all agree

As we celebrate this jubilee